Visit to @amerika, Pasific Place Mall

What do you think about @America??

@America,Pacific Place Mall..

@america is the U.S. Embassy's American cultural center located in Jakarta, Indonesia. Our mission is to provide a space for young Indonesians to learn more about the United States and to share ideas about issues that both Americans and Indonesians care about. 
All of our events are free and open to the public and include diverse topics such as education, the environment, music and arts, science and technology, and entrepreneurship.
At @america, discover state-of-the-art technology and learn more about the United States. Through discussions, webchats, performances, debates, workshops, and exhibitions, you can experience the best of America—its ideals, creativity, and diversity. Want to study in the United States? Chat with an EducationUSA advisor, no appointment necessary and free, to learn more about how to pursue your degree in America.
2. Location @america
Pacific Place Mall 3rd Floor #325, Jendral Sudirman Kav. 52-53, Kebayoran Baru, Central Jakarta, 12190.

3. Facilities

  • Membership Counter
  • Free Wi-Fi
  • E-guides
  • Stages
  • Locker
  • Google Liquid Galaxy
  • Toilets

What do you do at @america?

a You're the experiences i got from visiting @america:

1. Attend The Seminar or Workshop

When i’m visiting @america, there’s going on the seminar about Healthy Lifestyle. The speakers are Kidung Paramaditha as a Top 5 of Miss Indonesia 2016 and drg. Kartini Rustandi, M.Kes. as a Director of Work Health and Sports.

Mrs. Kidung be the first speakers in the seminar. She talking about how the tips and trick to apply healthy lifestyle on her daily life. She said that there are two types of health in this life, the first is Health of Soul and the second is Health of Physical. There are some tips to make our soul more healthy, it’s like pray, remember our goals life, motivated ourself, positive thinking, manage the time, sleep enough, meditation, doing your hobby, be honest, thank God and accept yourself. Furthermore, she also talked about some tips to make our physical more healthy, it’s like eat a healthy food, routine to sports, manage you diet, etc. Lastly, she said the words to motivated ourself to do healthy lifestyle. The words are “Healthier, isn't just from what we eat but from what we said and listen. So be kind and wise as always.”.

Overall the point of this discussion was one of the key to country’s sustainable development is the good health and well-being of all of its citizens. Health is a healthy, prosperous condition both physically, mentally and socially, characterized by the absence of disturbance of complaints of physical illness, and emotional complaints. Increase knowledge, awareness, willingness and ability to live healthy for every person in a healthy environment in order to realize the optimal health status of society through the creation of healthy living behavior as to realize an independent nation, advanced and prosperous. If the basic needs of the community fullfilld in the health field then it can improve the highest degree of health. Healthy is from soul, physical and social.
According to Drg.Kartini Rustani,Mkes. Community must realize the movement of healthy living community, as:

1. increased physical activity,
2. increased prevention and early detection of disease,
3. healthy food provision and accelerated improvement of nutrition
4. enhancing healthy living behavior
5. enhancing the quality of the environment
6. and improving the education of healthy living

Role of young generation move for health :
1. Agent change
2. Movers
3. Pioneer
4. Motivation
5. Innovator

2. Trying The Google Earth Simulator

There’s available five big screens to playing The Google Earth Simulator. We must typing on the screen the name of country that we want see. After that, we can directing the knob to operate it. We can also to try it everytime.

3. Get Some Gifts from The Seminar

After the seminar was over, the organizer walking to me and my friends to giving some gifts for us. There are some foods, a note, a brochure and a pen in the small bag their give.


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